Who We Are

Richmond Real Estate Photography is part of American Real Estate Media, the #1 provider of real estate media services in Virginia. We have grown to be the largest company in Virginia through our cutting edge technology, quality-focused approach, unbeatable value, and reliable customer service. As we have grown and added new locations to our service area, we have not lost our focus on these values.

How We Do It

On-Time Appointments

We offer easy scheduling and reliable, on-time appointments through our client booking system. No rescheduling fees, no hassle.

Consistent Experience

Our team of highly trained photographers provide consistent, uniform results, so you don’t have to worry about only booking your “regular.”

Lightning Fast Delivery

Next Day @ Noon turnaround means you’ll be able to take your listing live without delay and on your terms.

One-Of-A-Kind Media

In today’s market, most home buyers begin their search online. As reliance upon the internet as a tool in real estate continues to increase, eye-catching photos, video tours, drone photography, and 3-D modeling are vital to help your listing stand out. Using these services allows you to drive significantly more traffic to your listing, drastically shorten your market time, and sell for top dollar.


Meet The Owner

Jordan DiCaprio


“I founded ‘Hampton Roads Real Estate Photography’ in 2016 after a bad shopping experience in finding a new home for the family. Homes that were represented very poorly online made it difficult to pinpoint candidates and prolonged the search. Noticing that not every market in the US had the bar set so low as far as online media goes, I decided to start my own photography service to raise the bar and help future home buyers have a better experience than I did. Fast-forward to now and we are the largest real estate media service in Virginia!”